False News in The New Indian Express about CEC, Interview for Faculty

Hi all,

There was a false news in The New Indian Express on 15th June, 2009 in the Thiruvananthapuram edition about CEC. It stated that CEC lost its AICTE recognition along with other four self-financing colleges in Kerala, due to lack of infrastructure. But this was a false news that could have come from the false interpretation of the document published by AICTE. Heard that our college has applied for more seats and it might be because of the procedures to avail this that such a misunderstanding might have occured to the daily out of the AICTE document published in their website. However, CEC has a clear recognition of AICTE till 2011. Many students and parents would have fallen to confusion reading this false news, and to reveal the truth to the public, our principal Prof. (Dr.) V P Devassia sent a note of objection to the daily and The New Indian Express published a news on the very next day (16-Jun-2009) including the statement from the principal. The copy of the statement published in the daily is here:

News in The New Indian Express on 16th June, 2009 as the denial of the news published the previous day on the same daily that AICTE recognition of CEC was cancelled due to lack of infrastructure... It was a false news and the daily published a note from the Principal, like this....
News in The New Indian Express on 16th June, 2009 as the denial of the news published the previous day on the same daily that AICTE recognition of CEC was cancelled due to lack of infrastructure… It was a false news and the daily published a note from the Principal, like this….

Interview, as it’s previously scheduled, to the post of faculty in Computer Engg. was conducted (actually, the test) on 17-Jun-2009. There were 75+ candidates for the post of 8 or 9! Yea, recession works out… 😛

Applicants for CS faculty on 17th June, 2009 at CEC... around 75 for the post of 8! Yea, recession really works....
Applicants for CS faculty on 17th June, 2009 at CEC… around 75 for the post of 8! Yea, recession really works….

Shall be back with more updates…

Best Regards,

Arunanand T A,

CEC CS 2010,
