Hi all,
The following are the only important portions of the meeting of CAMPION 09 dated: 21-Aug-2009. The full document of the meeting can be obtained from: Here
CAMPION 09 Minutes
Meeting 6
Date : 21st August, 2009, Friday.
Venue : Auditorium, College of Engineering Chengannur..
The sixth meeting for the purpose of conducting Campion ’09 was held at Auditorium of College of Engineering Chengannur at 5:40 PM. Actually, this meeting was scheduled on 20th August, 2009, but due to certain technical reasons, it’s postponed to 21st August, 2009. The meeting was presided over by Mr. C R Ajith Sen, Lecturer in Physical Education, Sl. Gr.
The important decisions/approval/reviews/discussions made in the meeting are the following:
Venue arrangements shall be commenced within two days after re-opening after Onam vacation.
Last three days of Onam vacation shall be utilized for dance practice for Inaugural Ceremony, and special request regarding this shall be submitted for availing the amenities at the college on these days.
Contact seniors (2007 batch onwards) for sponsorship and send an invitation mail to the Google Group of CEC Alumni: cecalumni@googlegroups.com
Lucky Dip coupons shall be distributed in the college only.
Contact the Sports Secretaries/Football Captains of all IHRD Engineering colleges next Wednesday, regarding whether official invitation has been received or not.
Work out T-Shirt design and material as soon as possible. Bring both in the next meeting.
Prepare a banner of CAMPION 09 and it shall be displayed at college premises on or before next Wednesday.
The meeting was concluded by Mr. C R Ajith Sen, asking the committee heads to work with spirit so that all the works shall be done on time and well in advance and thus make CAMPION 09 a great success.
The next meeting is scheduled to be conducted on 27th August, 2009, Thursday at 4:00 PM.
Full Document: Here
Arunanand T A,
Organizing Secretary,