Hi all,
CEC is burning with exam heat. Universities for S5 and S7 fall from 3rd and 5th Nov respectively. So, no more important things to be updated here, in CEC.
However, one thing interesting! A new pond is being made at the back of Office building, i.e. near old Badminton Court by the Parents-Teachers Association (PTA) of CEC. It’s knwon that a loan will also be built up around there. We could have a few time with the workers over there. Ajith Sen Sir, Lecturer in Physical Education Sl. Gr. and current PTA Secretary, is still and always with the team.
A new idea was proposed by one of my batchmates, Mr. Sarath S of 2010 EC, that a common platform shall be availed for uploading images related to CEC, so that previous, current and future batches shall get to know and not miss anything of CEC! What about that? Comments and suggestions needed! As for me, good idea, and hats off to Sarath. I guess it could be done with the launch of CEC Alumni Website. Any other suggestions???
Arunanand T A,
CEC 2010 CS.