Things You Should Not Ask During An Interview


Things You Should Not Ask During An Interview


Courtesy: TechnoFIRSTOnline, Authored by Anuja Maheshwari


Being a fresher will help you to learn a lot. We often come across situations where in we don’t realize what we shouldn’t do. Amongst many a things that we fail to understand as a fresher is, how to interact during an interview. We might know what questions would be asked but interview is an interactive platform so you need to interact with the interviewer. The need to interact is often misunderstood and we end up saying things that will never get you a job.

Most of the interviews end with the interviewer asking you “Do you have any questions for me?” Almost all interviewers will ask if you have any questions, so be prepared to ask something. If you’ve done your research, you should be able to ask an intelligent question or two about the business. But then there are some questions you should avoid asking, come what may ever. The root of the problem is jumping the gun on questions that really should be saved and used only if you get the job offer.

These questions may not always be a job killer but at times you may have to suffer because you couldn’t stop yourself from asking that question that you shouldn’t have. Some of these questions are:

> How many leaves do you provide?
These and related topics about opportunities to get away from the office may make you look like a slacker in the eyes of some. If you get an offer, that’s the time to ask about benefits.

>Will I get an office?
Two things about this question, One the question would make you look like someone who is so self centric and willing to work or might be chitchat in a private dorm. The second thing is that you might have surely presumed that you are hired and with this question, you can be assured that you have ruined the chances of being hired.

>Will there be overtime work?
Many jobs require IT employees to be available 24/7 or on a rotating schedule, so when you ask this question it is not surprising. But don’t risk placing any doubt in the interviewer’s mind about your willingness to be available when needed. It’s not that every IT company will make you slog but then the idea of a candidate unwilling to work a bit extra wont be appealing for the recruiter.

>What’s the stress level here?
Interviews are a point of understanding the future employee and his adaptability in the organization. So when you ask a question like this, the interviewer would surely feel an urge to mark you down for being unsure about yourself. It’s a pointless question, really, because the “level of stress” is a subjective measure. You’d be much more likely to get a useful answer from a prospective coworker.

>What’s your work atmosphere like?
Now that’s a tricky question or might be, if at all you need to ask that question you need to rephrase that. You could have asked about the management system but that too in regards to interviewers comfort with that question. Asking about the work atmosphere is like being worried about them being inhuman, avoid this question.

During an interview you can surely ask questions. Be smart enough to ask intelligent questions. Make sure you don’t lose on the job just because you asked the question that you shouldn’t have.




Arunanand T A,

CEC 2010 CS.
