WIE CEC Charity Event at CIMR,Trivandrum.


Hi all,


Women In Engineering(WIE) Affinity group of IEEE Student Branch,CEC conducted a charity event at Central Institute for Mentally Retarded(CIMR), Trivandrum on  6th, February 2010.


The event had enthusiastic participation from the students  of CEC, over 90 students participated . There were participation from out side the college as well. The team set off at 6:30 in the morning and reached CIMR, Trivandrum by 10:30. The students were divided into six groups, each one undertook different activities. The lunch for the inmates were sponsored by IEEE SB of CEC.


After the lunch the students were taken to the Freedom Center,  Kovalam,the only theater in the  world built to showcase the talents of the mentally challenged. After the performance and tea break team spend about 30 minutes at Kovalam Beach. The entire day was an eventful one. Teams were influenced by the performance of the inmate of CIMR, who challenged there disabilities and performed at par with world’s best.





Bipin Thomas,

CEC 2012 CS.
