CEC .. reopening closing in.


Hey guys,


CEC is set to have a new year roll out in all its freshness and your eyes will have quite a few things to get a sight of. As per official notifications, the classes for all the batches of CEC will commence on 1st of July,2010. The date for registration to the next higher semester is the 1st of July itself. Regarding the payment of fees(seventh semester) for the new Academic year, the dates are 7th of July(for S7 EC students) and 8th of July(for S7 CS students). Take notice.


You will be entering the campus in the backdrops of construction work going on in the college.. Don’t worry, I do have good some news.The work related to construction of a permanent stage/structure was being done in CEC and it needs some more time to get it finished. The traffic light project is still standing blinking and ready to hit the roads, fit enough to be transported to where it should be once the governmental formalities are done with. New equipment for the gymnasium, much more… more awaits you!!


Hope you all had a wonderful vacation, and quite a few things have happened in CEC and I will be back with more of them quite soon!!



CEC 011 CS.