CEC to New Heights…. M.Tech Course in EC Got Approved.

A happy news for all CECians – CEC has been approved to start P.G courses from this academic year onwards – M.Tech in Electronics Engineering (VLSI & Embedded Systems). A total of 18 seats are there for this degree. CEC office received the letter confirming this from AICTE and CUSAT.




Last date for applying for M.Tech: 06-08-2010

Notification: Click Here (for official and updated notification, always visit CEC’s official website)
Prospectus: Click Here (for official and updated notification, always visit CEC’s official website)
Application Form: Click Here (for official and updated notification, always visit CEC’s official website)

For authentic details, visit: http://www.ceconline.edu or http://www.ihrdkerala.org
Contact CEC Office: 0479-2454125.



Arunanand T A,
CEC 2010 CS.