Dear Alumnus,
It is with extreme pleasure that we invite you to attend the Annual Alumni Meeting 2010 to be held in our college, on Saturday, the 14th of August 2010.
The Grand Alumni Get together [GAM ’10], organized by the Alumni Association of our college is expected to be the biggest ever Alumni reunion to have happened in CEC. We are expecting students from all the previous batches of our college to attend the event. Since our inception in 1993, thirteen batches have passed out of CEC. The Alumnus of CEC, as you may be most aware, are all well placed and hold reputed positions in a number of multinationals and other challenging fields.
So, we as CEC are proud to welcome you into your alma-mater and be part of the environment that shaped your lives. It’s a time of total enjoyment, fellowship with your loving CECian friends and batch mates, and moreover a time to re-establish those dormant connections. Please relieve yourself of all engagements on the 13th of August and be part of elite CECian community, live a day in your dreams.
When you come along to join us in CEC, ensure that you get all your batch mates and fellow alumnus along with you. Ensure their presence too at the event. The schedule is attached herewith, refer it and please let us know of any changes or suggestions.
Along with the invitation, we’ve attached a feedback document. Please fill it up and mail it back to the volunteers, if you are attending the events along with your suggestions. If you require any facilities such as accommodation, please specify it there. Any special request shall be considered.
9:30am: Welcome and registration
10:00am: Official Meeting
Welcome address: President of Alumni Association, CEC
Presidential Address: Principal Prof. Dr. V P Devassia
Interaction with alumnus and teachers: Mr. Vinod P R, the Treasurer Alumni Association and alumnus of CEC
11:00am: Back to CEC
You can take a walk through your campus, a chance to revisit all your past memories. All facilities will be open for the alumnus.
11:30am: Batch-wise get-togethers and Association get-togethers
Either out in the open or in the classrooms you demand
Those who’ve been part of the Senate, TPC, CEC IEEE, FOCES, etc. can come together and share their memories. They also have a chance to meet the students who are coordinating them presently.
12:00pm: Lunch time
1:00pm: Variety Entertainment
Achievers of the past come up stage with their talent.
Videos and ppt’s- What’s happening and happened in CEC
Breaking the Ice
Games session- Sports club, Basketball, Throw ball and Volleyball
2:00pm: Personal moments
2:30pm: Conclusion and Vote of Thanks
P.S: Mail your replies to RICHIE 2011 CS (richie.oommen@gmail.com) or PAVAN 2013 CS (pavanvaliyaveedan@gmail.com).
CEC Senate 2009-10.