College of Engineering, Chengannur, celebrated Onam on 20 August 2010. The festive celebrations were flagged off by the Onam procession at 8:30 am. A crowd of girls in ‘veshti mundu’ and boys clad in ‘mundu’ walked down the road to the main gate of the college, carrying ‘thalams’ of kumkumam, chandanam and flowers.

While all the classes worked on their ‘pookalams’ of theme ‘Onam’ with competitive spirit, arrangements were made for the formal ceremony in the Centre Court. After welcoming all the CEC-ians, the Senate- handing over ceremony took place in the Center Court at 9:30 am. The new Senate members took the Senate oath and promised to put in their best. Members of the Kudumbashree (about 10 workers) were gifted ‘Onakodi’ on this occasion by the NSS unit of the College. Cultural activities then took over.

As all the students gathered outside their classes to enjoy themselves, Shruthi Music Club of College hosted a one-hour musical programme, reminiscenting the olden songs of Onam from times immemorial, with a touch of modernity using the guitar and keyoard. It was followed by ‘Thiruvathira’- traditionally dressed girls dancing to the tune of ‘gopala gopala’. The festive atmosphere settled all over as Mahabali entered the Centre Court during Pulikali.

Another highlight of the day was the Panjarimellam. A troupe was invited from Kakkanad especially for this purpose. Onam spirits soared as boys and girls nodded their heads and tapped their feet in tune with it.

Lunch was the traditional Onasadya, complete with two kinds of Payasam in the end. Teachers and office-staff were served first, then the students, all of them equally relishing the food. All students actively participated in serving and making necessary arrangements.

After lunch, the formal inauguration of Elixir ’10 took place, where the Principal unveiled the Elixir banner. The Principal also launched the second newsletter of the College prepared by the College senate.

The last events of the day were Uriyadi competition and the tug of war. On-lookers cheered and applauded as the participants tried their luck with all their might. Meanwhile, the Pookalam in all classes were judged and marks were tallied. Results were announced in the evening and their effort was appreciated. It was a long day, but the active and enthusiastic participation of all students made it a fun and memorable occasion.

[Thanks to Bhavna S, Vice Chair Students Executive senate 2010 – 2011]

Manu S Ajith and Harisankar P S

CEC 2012 CS