SUMMIT 09 – An initial Retro

Hi all,

The following is an initial retrospect of SUMMIT 09. Kindly do not consider this as an official draft, as the said is being prepared. The final report shall be submitted on or before 15th August, 2009.



Dated: 20-Aug-2009

SUMMIT 09, the fifth event of SUMMIT series of College of Engineering Chengannur was conducted on 17th and 18th of August, 2009 at the college premises. This time, attempts were made to make it a national level technical festival, which had been a south India level fest so far.

SUMMIT 09 was colourful with the presence of nationally distinuged personalities from all over India, and with the young talented minds as delegates from all parts of the country. The resource persons include Mr. Anand Pavithran from IPSL Solutions Ltd., Amal Mathai from RedHat, Dr. Achuthsankar S Nair, Mr. Sreelal S Pillai, Mr. Sasikumar V, Mr. Prakash Advani from Cannonical Ltd., etc.

There were around 420 registrations for the entire event, excluding CEC LAN Party and Fun Zone. There was partiicpation from 26 colleges and 2 higher secondary schools. 300 students attended the Project Exhibition conducted in the aegis of SUMMIT 09 for community interaction.

Paculiarity of this SUMMIT is that we could set up the video conferencing equipment of the college and could conduct a session on “Open Source” with Mr. Prakash Advani, Manager (Marketing), Cannonical Ltd. The event was successful in all means.

Another achievement was that we could conduct 3 seminars, 1 workshop and 1 video conferencing within a span of 2 days, with due participation of delegates. The feedbacks we got indicate that all those sessions were useful to them in all sense.

Unlike other tech fests, SUMMIT 09 was presented with a social outlook. Events like Vision 2020 – the Master minds caught the attention of delegates, which provided them with an arena to present their own views on how to solve the social problems with an engineering perspective. And more than 25 simple circuits were done by students of CEC, and were exhibited for the students of nearby schools.

Apart from the technical events, events like Quiz, Best Manager, Fun Zone, etc. attracted the crowd heavily. The delegates didn’t hesitate to participate in fun events, which were conducted at the centre court, during leasure time and intervals. Besides, the cultural programme conducted by “SRUTHY Music Club”, CEC at the end of the event added to the beauty of the event.

Participation from all batches viz. Semesters VII, V and III was ensured in the execution phase and volunteership during the event. Also, a fairly complete utilization of the college resources was done in all means.

The main crisis we had to handle was unexpected power failures, and we could solve such problems easily and effectively without affecting the continuity of the event.

The success behind SUMMIT 09 is undoubtedly the cooperation of the staffs and students of the college in whatever it maybe. Especially, we are thankful to Prof. (Dr.) V P Devassia, our beloved Principal, Mr. C R Ajith Sen, Staff Coordinator of SUMMIT 09 and Mr. Rubon L and Mr. Liju Philip, the Financial and Technical Staff Coordinators respectively. We thank all the staff members of the college, our seniors, juniors and our batchmates for their kind support for this event which made this a grand success…


on behalf of Mr. Sanoop Thomas,

General Convener (Students),


P.S: Snaps of the event are being uploaded at: Visit Picasa Album and Flickr Album






Arunanand T A,

Event Manager,