College Website Revamp – Suggestions Please




As you are aware, our college website ( is a bit outdated in terms of data and information. Every year, the website administrators do their level best to make it better. As far as I know, our current outlook was designed by a previous CEC batch (prior to 2007, I guess… I’m not sure, correct me if it’s not), which indeed has a professional look and feel. Later, Mr. Alan Haggai and Anoop K J, Deepak C George, Shain Padmajan and Vivek J Babu of 2007 Batch, Jofin Jopseh of 2010 batch and a few other people tried to make it even better. Their works are indeed remarkable.


As a continuation to this, current Web Administrator Harisankar P S-CEC-2012-CS and his team is under making a plan for a complete update. I request all of you to kindly send him your valuable suggestions in this regard. Suggestions may also be commented hereunder.


E-mail ID of CEC Web-admin: cecwebadmin [at] gmail [dot] com

Personal E-mail ID of current Web Admin: hsps9.99 [at] gmail [dot] com



P.S: My knowledge to the aforementioned credits are very little. Kindly pardon me if I have missed someone important. CEC is, of course, indebted to your work and commitment! (Please comment if I have missed someone important!)


P.P.S: It’s noticed that the Download Section of this blog is obsolete. Shall be updating it soon (Lost the files, gotta find/make them again! 🙁





Arunanand T A,

CEC 2010 CS.
