GAM 2010 – Grand Alumni Meet of CEC, 2010 – Report




Posting on behalf of proposed-CEC ARC.




Minutes of the ANNUAL ALUMNI MEET ‘10



The Annual General Body of the Alumni Association of College of Engineering Chegnannur was on the 14th of August, 2010 under the auspices of the Grand Alumni Meet ‘10, at the college auditorium. The meeting began at 11AM with the welcome address by the President of the Alumni Association. Mr. Kiran Chandramohan (2003 batch), and presided over  by the Staff in charge and alumnus of CEC, Mr. Vinod PR.


The Annual working report and Financial report of the Alumni Association was presented by Mr.Vinod PR, which were unanimously approved at the meeting. Mr. Jaison Abey (2007 batch), Vice President and Mr.Alok Mohan (2010 batch) spoke at the occasion.


Report presented by Mr. Vinod PR listed out the activities f the AA, the Meet The Alumni ’10 programme and the challenges that he faced at his office as the Staff in charge of the AA in CEC.


The financial report for the past year had Rs. 3,13,402 in the offing, and every year an amout of Rs.29,000 (Rs.150 per person) is raised into the AA account at SBM, Chengannur. He expressed his views about the need for a more active involvement of the alumnus, as what we have so far is just a cycle shed, and the College Auditorium renovation.


1.      The meeting witnessed active involvement of the alumnus, and a number of commendable suggestions and proposals came up, some of which were approved and the left were set aside for later action. Mr.Nithin (1998 EC) proposed the need for two Alumni meetings every year, and for a change of date for the same, and was seconded by Mr. Jaison. The meeting decided to go for a vote and accept the date that gets the max response.

2.      A database containing the Alumni records was proposed by Mr. Alok and Mr. Arjun, the work of which is to begin soon. This has to be actively pushed into the current final year batch of students and proper orientation is to be given to all the batches, about the AA before they pass out of the college.

3.      Constitution of an Alumni forum,a forum for academic purposes to help the Alumnus with the higher education and all other procedures.

4.      Constituting a Website advisory panel.

5.      Proposal for a Smart class room was put forward by Mr. Vinod PR.

6.      Rs. 20000 with a span of 6 months for the tech talk and a general fund for the ‘Meet the Alumni’ programme was proposed by the treasurer.


A few of the accepted proposal are:


1.      The proposal for providing student scholarships was put forward and accepted at the meeting.   Calculate the number of studs/amount dynamically, detailed proposal(with exact amt, etc) to be given by the Alumni Relation Cell. Mr. Jayakrishnan (2007 batch) expressed that making facilities  available was better than cash;sustainability of funds is a problem. canteen allowance was proposed by Mr. CR Ajithsen. The meeting decided to give the aid as as a scholarship amount, and right selection of the candidate was to be ensured. The CEC 2010 batch expressed their willingness to sponsor students.

2.      The proposal for wifi/wimax routers and antennas to fully cover th campus was put accepted. The detailed specifications to be brought out, and submitted.

3.      Programmes for student training were approved at the meeting with equal contributions from PTA, Alumni Association and student. Konfidence training programmes were put forward by Mr. Kiran.

4.      Alumni fee to be collected from the passing out student was fixed to be Rs.250.


The Executive Committee for the CEC Alumni Association was elected at the meeting, and the office bearers are listed below.


President:                     Mr. Kiran Chandramohan (2003 batch)

Vice Presidents:         Mr. Jaison Abey Saby (2007 batch)

Mr. Jayakrishnan K (2007 batch)

Secretary:                     Mr. Alok Mohan (2010 batch)

Treasurer:                     Mr. Vinod PR

Batch reps:                   Mr. Sony (2005)

Mr. Arunanand TA (2010)

Mr. Abhilash (1998)

Mr. Kevin (2005)

Mr. Kiran (2003)

Mr. Arunkumar P T (2006)






Arunanand T A,

CEC 2010 CS.
