Unmesh G of CEC-2010-CS Batch Being Congratulated by the PM of Britain


Dear CECians,

I have a big news for you regarding my batch. Mr. Unmesh G (E-mail: unmeshg2006 [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com) of CEC 2006-10 CSE Batch has been congratulated by the Prime Minister of Britain at 10 Downing Street of the U.K, for his project work done at Masters level at Southampton University, the U.K. Also, he, along with his two teammates got the chance to personally and officially meet and talk with Secretary of State of Health, Vice president of Google Development and CEO of LinkedIn.
The Prime Minister, Britain congratulating creators of the Emergency App, from Southampton University, winners of the silicon valley competition to design consumer applications using new open public data (the one who shakes hands with the PM is Mr. Unmesh G)

The Prime Minister, Britain congratulating creators of the Emergency App, from Southampton University, winners of the silicon valley competition to design consumer applications using new open public data (the one who shakes hands with the PM is Mr. Unmesh G)

In 10 Downing Street, the U.K.

In 10 Downing Street, the U.K.

In 10 Downing Street, the U.K.

In front of 10 Downing Street, the U.K.

He’s one of the creators of the Emergency App, from Southampton University, winners of the silicon valley competition to design consumer applications using new open public data. Pictures of the same have been attached herewith.

I thought this is worth sharing with you all 🙂


Arunanand T A,

CEC 2010 CS.
